Pet memorials

Pet owners and pet share a special type of bond, that only an animal lover can understand. Our pets are a part of our family. When one of our pets pass away the grieving process is the same as a lost family member. Our loved friends have been with us for sometimes their entire life always giving us unconditional love in return. Honoring their memory after their passing is an important way to memorialize their love for us. That is why ChristyAl Plaques & Engraving are helping animal lovers cherish their pets after they have passed away. We offer pet markers, memorial stones, and pet urns, in marble, granite, wood, and glass. Nothing captures memories like a photograph. We are able to laser engraved photo-quality pictures in all of the above-mentioned materials. For all that your pet has done for you, keep their memory alive forever with a beautiful memorial. For every pet memorial that we sell we are donating five dollars back to animal rescue. We do that so you're passing loved one will help keep another future friend alive.

Are you an animal lover? Have you lost one of your friends? How did you grieve for them? Please comment I would love for you to share your thoughts.

This picture is our friends cat that just passed away I laser engraved the date and the picture on the side of this beautiful wooden urn.


How to get a "FREE" tiled floor for your small-business

Is your floor in need of replacement at your small business?  How would you like to replace it for FREE and help out your fellow businesses around the area? This can be accomplished by selling advertisements to be lasered engraved on each tile.  You can sell advertisements for $200.00 on up and have their business information or business card engraved right into the tile. After the tiles have been installed on the floor those advertisements will be there for the length of your business.  Think of all the interest you will generate at your business with people walking around reading the advertisements on the floor.  It is a cheap way of advertising for other businesses, You get a free floor, Some extra money, And you keep your customers in your store for a longer period of time.  This is a win-win situation all around, and yes the QR codes really do work when you scan them.

Can you think of other ways to advertise?

Please share your comments.


How to Keep Your Family Recipes Forever?

Do you have a cherished recipe passed down from your grandparents that you want to pass down to your loved ones?

Wouldn't it be so cool if you could ​find these recipes in an instant?

Well now you can! Engrave your family cherished recipes -- even the ones passed down from generations -- in 6 inch tile and ​install them above your oven or sync area of your kitchen. This is something that will never go away and can be enjoyed and passed on forever.

Left like what you see below, it won't last ​long!

Share your ideas of how you keep your family recipes safe?​
